Friday, December 17, 2010


Since I have not seen any posts that deal with the issue of the end of the world from the point of view of what ISLAM says I have decided to bring you this summary:
Note the following when reading this:
1- The sequence of events noted come from the Q'uran and the Hadith (the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
2- Under Islam Jesus is considered a Prophet and not God.
3- Islam includes both Judaism and Christianity. All of the Prophets from Adam, Noah, Abraham, John, Christ, and Muhammad (pbua)are considered Prophets of Islam.
4- I am writing this with knowledge of both religions as I was Christian Catholic and have embraced Islam a few years ago.
5- The information that appears in the Bible and the Islamic texts corroborate each other. Anyone can buy all these books and read for themselves. There are significant amount of good quality books that address this issue from the point of view of Christianity and Islam. It is just a matter of taking what matches in both religious texts to asess predictions that span more than 2000 years.
6- As you read this you will clearly see that these events are unfolding in front of our eyes, and GOD KNOWS BEST.
1- Increasing turmoil and natural disasters, war, death and conflict. See bellow the list of signs given by the Quaran and Prophet Muhammad.
2- Major catastrophe that will kill 2/3 of the world's population. The continents will move and due to the massive changes plants, animals and human life will die off in large numbers. There will be not much food. It is possible that this will happen in the year 2012 but nothing in the Islamic texts confirms this. The only possible sign is that there are no predictions made in Islam beyond the year 2000. Either a meteorite or some sort of energy pull that will cause a shift in the earth axis. This will cause the "sun to come our from the west" (see bellow predictions). Take a globe and flip is upside sown - you will see that the sun will come out form the west. At this time also there will be constant daylight as the earth tilts and moves into the new axis position. As you know Muslims pray 5 times a day. Prophet Muhammad indicate to people that at this time they should break up the day in equal portions and maintain their scheduled prayers.
3- The appearance of the ANTICRHIST. In Islamic terminology it is called the DJALL or LIAR or DECEIVER. This individual will be a Jew whose father will be a Rabbi, he will be blind from one eye and the remaining eye will stick out like a grape. He will have extraordinary powers that will make people believe he is god. He can only be killed by Jesus (a.s.) He will be born in or around the Arabian Penninsula. The fact that he will be Jewish is pointed out in the Torah (Old Testament in the Bible) - Prince of The Israelites and the Islamic texts point out that his main followers will be Jews.
Due to his miraculous powers he will be taken by most of the Jewish and Christian people as the Messiah. As you know Evangelical Christians are waiting for the Messiah once Israel is established. Any one will be able to identify him because he will only support evil actions. Significant amount of Muslims will leave their Faith to also join him a believe in him. It is predicted that a Muslim will believe in the morning and disbelieve in the evening and a non believer will not believe in the morning and believe in the evening. The only people who will oppose him will be a small number of believing Muslims. The Muslims will be persecuted by the ANTICHRIST who will present them as an evil force (sounds familiar?). He will claim he is himself god. The reason for people following him is that due to the amount of turmoil, war, and killings many people will stop believing in God and be angry at Him (as opposed to blaming ourselves for our own corrupt ways). They will look at this individual as their saviour who will have power to produce some food or water for them. Anyone who follows or worships the ANTICHRIST will be cursed to Hell by God.
4- In the Arabian Peninsula an individual will appear. In the Islamic predictions his name is MEHDI (IMAM MEHDI r.a.). He will gather the Muslims who oppose the ANTICHRIST and fight him. For MEHDI and the opposing forces it will be an ongoing loosing battle. Muslims will be defeated in the East and then the West. The ANTICHRIST will come to the walls of Mecca and Medina but he will not be able to enter them.
5- Jesus (a.s.) will descend in Jerusalem. In the Islamic belief Jesus is not crucified, but God replaced him in the cross with another individual and took up to Heaven Jesus (a.s.). One of the main predictions in relation to Jesus (a.s.) is that his descend will be witnessed by EVERYBODY. He will declare his condition as a Prophet and not God. People will turn away from the ANTICHRIST. Jesus (a.s.) will kill the ANTICHRIST at one of the gates of Jerusalem.
6- Once this happens the people of Gog and Magog will come out. They will be all killed. Peace and prosperity will then descend upon the whole world where Jesus (a.s.) will be the leader of all people. At this point Jesus (a.s.) will marry and have a family.
7- Jesus (a.s.) will die. Then, all good people will be taken up by God through a wind that will descend and kill them. Only corrupt, unbelieving people will remain. Then end of the wold will then come and Judgment Day.
These are SIGNS related to the end of times according to Islamic sources:
Wild animals will be gathered into captivity and kept in collections in pens and cages.
Murder will be considered a minor act.
Men will get payment for their reproductive organs (artificial fertilization).
Reducing weights and measures of goods will be a means of increasing profits.
The person earning a proper and lawful livelihood will be scorned and the person earning his living from unfair means will be admired.
The main purpose in life will be earning and enjoying.
Aphrodisiacs will be used to strengthen the body for sodomy.
Usury will gain solid ground.
Adultery will be commonplace.
The murder victim will not know why he is murdered and the killer will not know why he killed.
Mansions like palaces will be constructed.
Bribery will become like a custom.
There will be no regard for the ties of relationship.
Murder will increase.
Fools will be made rulers.
Forbearance will be called cowardice and weakness.
Ministers of government will be liars.
The practice of divorce will increase.
A liar will be considered an acceptable witness.
Homosexuality will be openly practiced.
Good people will keep silent fearing others' foul speech.
Goodness and evil will be viewed from the same perspective.
Young boys will be used like women on payment.
Unworthy persons will meddle in affairs of state.
Men will keep their hair in a ladylike manner.
The governors will consider the wealth of the people as their own and they will attack the morality of women.
Governments will stockpile grains to maintain prices.
Government will be entrusted to those unworthy of it.
The earth will vomit oblong pieces of its liver like columns of gold and silver. The murderer will come and say "I killed for this," and the deserter will come and say "I deserted my family for this," and the thief will come and say "My hand has been cut off for this."
The Euphrates will disclose a mountain of gold over which people will fight. Ninety-nine out of each hundred will be killed and every one of them will say "Maybe I will be the one who will escape."
The Last Hour shall not occur until wealth will increase among you and become enormous, until a man takes out the charity due from his wealth but will find none to accept it, until the land of the Arabs becomes meadows and rivers.
The Last Hour shall not occur until wealth will increase among you and become enormous, and the owner of wealth will search for one entitled to the charity due on it; and he will present it and the person to whom it will be presented will say "I have no need of it;" and barefooted shepherds will compete with each other in the building of tall buildings.
The slave girl will give birth to her owner .
You will follow the practices of those who were before you, step by step, foot by foot, so much so that if one of them goes into the hole of a lizard you will follow.
God will take up the knowledge, not by removing it from the minds of people, but by taking possession of the knowledgeable. Then the people will call on the ignorant to inform them, and they will go astray and lead astray.
The people will get up in the morning to carry on trade and there will be hardly anyone who will fulfill their bargain. It will be said "There is a trustworthy man in so and so;" and it will be said of a man "How wise is he! How skillful is be! How resolute is he," while in his heart there will be no faith even to the grain of a mustard seed.
It is near that the nations will call one another against you just as diners call one another to their dishes. You will be numerous, but you will be so much rubbish like the rubbish of a flood. God will take away the fear of you from the minds of your enemies and will put weakness in your hearts, from love for this world and dislike of death.
Wait for the last Hour when allegiance will be destroyed. Wait for the Hour when rule will be entrusted to those who will be unworthy of it.
The Hour shall not occur until time contracts. A year will go by like a month, a month like a week, a week like a day, a day like an hour and an hour like the kindling of a fire.
Time will become short, learning will come to an end, troubles will appear, miserliness will be cast in the hearts, and murder will increase.
The first of the signs to appear will be the rising of the sun in its place of setting and the coming forth of the beast in the morning. Whichever of them comes first will soon be followed by the other.
Let him who hears of the dajjal go far from him, for I swear by God that a man will go to him thinking he is a believer and follow him because of confused ideas which he rouses in him.
The Smoke; the Dajjal; the Beast; the rising of the sun in its place of setting; the descent of Jesus son of Mary; Gog and Magog; three earthquakes -- one in the East, one in the West, and one in Arabia; and a fire which will drive mankind to their place of assembly.
The least of the signs of the last hour will be a fire which will gather mankind from the east to the west.
There is no prophet who has not warned his people about the one-eyed liar. I tell you that he is one-eyed, but your Lord is not one-eyed. On his forehead are the letters "k," "f," "r." (KUFAR means UNBELIEVER IN GOD)
He is one-eyed, and will bring with him something like paradise and hell, but what he calls paradise will be hell. I warn you as Noah warned his people about him.
In the year 2001 before the September 11 attacks I had a dream/voice that stated this:
"It won't be long before the DECEIVER is born. He will be the son of a Rabbi"
I my opinion the ANTICHRIST today is about 7 years old. GOD KNOWS BEST!!!
The scary part is that Prophet Muhammad predicted that the ANTICHRIST will be a "young man".
I believe all of you can work out a schedule to determine the age of this person in or around the year 2012.
Brothers & Sisters;
Regardless of the end of times, our own "individual end of times" comes when we die. We must move forward to change.
We have to get ready to account for our actions in this world in front of GOD.
We MUST work together regardless of religion to bring justice and peace to this world.

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