Sunday, January 9, 2011

Magic Mirror Kinect hack works like an X-ray

We see all sorts of new Kinect hacks every day, and some of them are useful, while others are just pure innovative. Speaking of innovation, today’s Kinect hack allows you to use your the Kinect’s technology like an X-ray.

This latest Kinect hack is called the Magic Mirror and it allows you to see your skeleton while standing in front of your Kinect. The Magic Mirror is quite a hack, and the person behind this project – Tobias Blum from the Technical University of Munich. So how does Magic Mirror works? This hack combines tools such as OpenNI and PrimseSense NITE that allow developers to put a layer consisting of a person that is standing in front of Kinect over the CT images of person’s skeleton. While the person moves, the skeleton moves accordingly with it, and you can watch as the bones move through the “hole” on person’s body.

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