Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The average pet monkey costs approximately $1000 - $1500. And that doesn’t include the cost of bottles to feed them, diapers to keep your house clean, and tethers for it. And while this may seem like a steep fee for some, it’s nowhere close to the most expensive pet monkey.

Chimpanzees can be a very popular pet due to their intelligence, their ability to use tools, their memory skills, and their ability to laugh. And while chimpanzees may not be common in households, they’re very common among researchers and those who need animals to help them out with certain tasks. If you’re thinking of taking advantage of some of the more educated skills that a chimpanzee has, not to mention their social skills that will keep you companionship for many years, beware. Not only is it illegal to own a monkey as a pet in 21 different states, they also cost about $50,000. This makes them the most expensive pet monkey in the world.

A Chimpanzee

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