Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Your Leather Duffel Bag - Don't Leave Home Without It

When you use the term leather duffel bag, everyone knows just what you mean. They are probably the greatest style of luggage for leisure travel out there. But in its name, we find an oxymoron. What we know is that a leather duffel bag is not truly a duffel bag at all.
In its truest form, a duffel bag is a cylindrical bag that closes at one end with a draw string. It is made of a tough fabric called duffel that is named for the town in Belgium where it was first made. It is still used in that form by the military and often called a ditty or seabag. While it can carry a great deal it does have a major drawback. While is great foe getting things from point A to point B, it is difficult to live out of because the you can not access the things in the bottom; you must totally unpack.
Today's duffel has over come this issue by closing the bag with a zipper down the side and allowing you access to the entire bag. This has made the duffel bag the ultimate in leisure travel bags and now come in other fabrics such as canvas for sport applications and leather for nicer travel uses.
The leather duffel bag is great for all sorts of travel. It is attractive and holds a lot for it's size. Suits are out of the question but any crisply pressed shirts can be carried with them in a separate bag. A great upside for the leather duffel is that it looks great even when it is not full.
In your arsenal of luggage, a leather duffel is essential. It can be used on business or for a weekend get away. It will quickly become your most used piece of baggage.

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